Calling all dog lovers! You need this magazine. Modern Dog, the award-winning magazine for dog lovers, is your guide to a better bond with your dog. You’ll find heartwarming, inspiring stories, tested and approved gear, expert behavioural advice, dog life-hacks, beautiful dog-design, useful tips and tricks, and so much more.
Modern Dog
Stuff We Love • Modern Dog staffers’ picks of the litter!
WANT TO TEACH YOUR DOG TO TALK? • Speech-language Pathologist Christina Hunger Shows You How Hunger’s three-year-old dog Stella knows 45+ words and can put together phrases
DOGS THE SIZE OF GRIZZLY BEARS ROAMED PREHISTORIC EARTH • University study illuminates shocking size and surprising hunting methods of prehistoric dogs
THE GREAT GREEN GRASS OF HOME • How to have a healthy, glorious dog-friendly lawn, no chemicals required
CAPTION THIS! • Exercise your funny bone. Create a caption for this cartoon and submit your entry at The most comic captions will be published in the next issue.
SMILE! • Modern Dog’s Photo Contest Winners!
Great Giveaways ENTER TO WIN • We’re giving it away! Enter to win fabulous giveaways each and every week in September, October and November.Go to to enter! Lucky readers will win every week.
THE GREAT GREYHOUND • Get to know this sweet and gentle champion sprinter capable of immense speed
Fall FINDS • Seasonal Staff Favourites!
How To Teach Your Dog To Read (Yes, Really) • A pioneer in the training of Service Dogs proves that dogs can, in fact, be taught to read. Here’s how and why you should teach your dog to read
D.I.Y. craft Punch Needle Embroidered Pet Pad • Craft your own cozy, unique pet pad for your sofa, bed, or floor!
Home is where the dog is • File under “want it!”
CAFÉ WITH A DOGGONE GOOD CAUSE • “I’ll have the Puppy Cuddles, Please”: How an unorthodox dog lounge is connecting people with rescue pups
HERO DOGS • Meet 4 remarkable dogs in the running to be named this year’s American Humane Hero Dog
Perfect Presents
Diatomaceous Earth: A Natural Flea Remedy?
Good Guts: How to Improve Your Dog's Gut Health
DEAF DOGS CAN DO IT ALL • United by deafness, a woman and her rescue pup are on a mission to show that deaf dogs make incredible pets
ANSWERS TO THE MOST COMMONLY GOOGLED QUESTIONS ABOUT DEAF DOGS • Dog trainer, deaf dog advocate, and therapy dog evaluator Patricia Belt answers the most commonly Googled questions about deaf dogs.
Healthy PAWS • Solutions for everything from GI woes to itchy, irritated ears
SARA CARSON & HER SUPER COLLIES • Born to do this: a lifelong love affair with dog training leads to cross-border fame and an enviable bond with a pack of truly incredible heart-dogs
Teach Your Dog the Magic “Touch” • Have a dog-reactive dog or a pup that pulls ahead on leash? Here’s why you teach your dog targeting
THE DOG GEAR LOOKBOOK • Your at-a-glance guide to the best stuff for your dog
Saving the Endangered African Wild Dog • Conservationist Marumo Nene spends long days in the field tracking African Wild Dogs to protect the species
Heeding the Heart’s Calling • One man’s passion for saving animals led him to start his own rescue: “What more can I be doing to make a difference?” | By Yaunna Sommersby
GETTING READY For Baby: How to Prepare Your Dog for a Baby's Arrival
HUSKIES: The “Close-talking” Telemarketers of the Dog World
ANXIETY BUSTERS • Six effective ways to calm an anxious...